The Department of Linguistics pursues a large and diverse research program, in areas as varied as formal grammatical theory, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, computational linguistics, laboratory phonology, conversation analysis, and many other areas. Research is conducted on languages from a variety of families and regions; the department includes specialists in South Asian Languages, African Languages, East Asian Languages, Spanish, Arabic, Mayan and others — not to mention English.

Interdisciplinary connections form an important part of our research profile, and much of our work is performed in collaboration with other faculty from the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, the Beckman Institute, and other units on campus.

Our Laboratory Facilities Include:
Cross-section of vocal tract

Chin-Woo Kim Phonetics Laboratory

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Slab Group

Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Lab

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erp equipment

Electrophysiology and Language Processing Lab

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Other Resources



The department also maintains two small libraries: the Kahane Linguistics Research Room and the TESL Library.


Statistical consultations for student research are available. Contact our Linguistic Data Analytic Manager, Wenyue Ma (, for assistance with 

  • Data cleaning
  • Methodology design
  • Data analysis
  • Results interpretation