1. How much does the Arabic High School Summer Program cost?

For students who need room and board, the cost is $2500.
For students who do not need room and board, the cost is $1400.

The vast majority of students will receive financial support. To be considered, please submit a scholarship and financial aid form when you submit your initial application.

2. What are the key dates I need to know for the 2025 Summer program?

March 9, 2025 Early Admission Application Deadline
March 30, 2025 Application Deadline
April 20, 2025 Tuition Deposit Due
April 20, 2025 Registration Opens at 12pm CST
May 30, 2025 Tuition Balance Due
June 15, 2025 Arrive in Champaign-Urbana/Pre-Orientation and Welcome Dinner
June 28, 2025 Final Day/Depart Champaign-Urbana

3. How many credits do I get? Are they University of Illinois credits?

The Arabic High School Program earns 2 college credits. They are regular University of Illinois credits.

4. How do I get my transcript?

To request your transcript, please follow the instructions listed here

5. How long is the program?

The program is 2 weeks. It starts on a Sunday and runs through a Saturday.

6. How do I sign up?

Follow the application instructions explained here.  After acceptance, a more detailed descriptions of how to register will be provided.

7. I am a graduating High School senior, can I still participate?

Yes! Students who graduate high school may participate during the summer immediately following their graduation.

8. I am beginning High School next fall, can I still participate?

Yes! Students who are entering high school may participate during the summer immediately preceding. However, while income freshmen are eligible, we recommend highly considering your maturity level, academic standing, and overall readiness for a program designed for high school students.

9. What is the weekly schedule?

  9:20am-11:20am 11:15am-11:45am 12:20pm-2:10pm 2:15pm-3:15pm 3:15pm-4:15pm
Mon Language Class Cultural Presentations Language Class - -
Tues Language Class - Language Class Conversation Table  
Wed Language Class - Language Class Movie Screening Moving Screening
Thurs Language Class - Language Class Cooking Class Cooking Class
Frid Language Class - Language Class - -

10. How much spending money should students bring?

The typical things students spend money on are extra snacks (bubble tea, coffee, etc.), any forgotten items like toiletries, and potentially some souvenirs. Residential students have breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided in the cafeteria, but any extra purchases are covered by the students. Commuter students have lunches provided in the cafeteria.

11. What if I need extra spending money?

Program staff cannot use personal accounts to facilitate money withdrawals for students. Please plan accordingly should you need to access additional money.

12. Where should I park on campus?

Metered parking is available on campus using the MobileMeter app. We do not make arrangements for parking.

13. I'm a commuter student. What schedule and policies should I follow?

Due to policies for programs with students who are minors, we set out policies for commuter students during their arrival and departure. 

In the morning, commuter students should be in their assigned classroom at the Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics Building (LCLB) by 9:15 AM. Their instructor will take attendance. 

Commuter students will have lunch at the ISR Dining Hall (included in their scholarship). They should have their meals cards on them; otherwise, they will have to pay. Commuter students will be part of the group during the lunch hour and should follow program policies accordingly unless they “check out” to a parent/guardian. 

Following lunch, all students will return for afternoon classes and activities. 

Students should inform program staff of their parent/guardian’s arrival and check out before departing. We must release minor students to their parent/guardian before they can depart. 

Note: we know some commuter students may drive themselves to and from campus. If this is your case, please communicate this with us ahead of time. Please also be aware that commuter students should remain with the group during the daytime activities.

Additionally, students cannot transport other students in their cars. 

14. I'm a commuter student. Can I join extra activities?

Our program includes one weekend and the holiday Juneteenth. We schedule activities for all students on these days. Commuter students are not expected to join these activities, but are welcome to do so. Lunches at ISR dining hall are also included with commuter student scholarships on the weekend.